The German Shepherd Dog Club of America, Inc (GSDCA) is not responsible for any injuries or damage suffered by persons or animals participating in this event before, during, or after the actual event. By acting as a spectator and/or participating in any capacity, I waive my right or action against GSDCA and will hold the GSDCA harmless if any action or lack of action by my dog(s) or by me results in any action against the GSDCA. Dogs not entered in the show are not allowed on the show grounds.
I commit to abide by GSDCA Trial and Show regulations and, I expressly waive my right to seek relief in a court of law and to have a jury trial on my claims against GSDCA or its volunteers, as well as my right to participate as a plaintiff or class member in any class, collective, private attorney general or representative action or proceeding.
All entry fees are nonrefundable.